Monday 19 August 2013

I'm back

So I am back

I realise now that I have been giving you guys a few poems here and there but not really interacting. Life is a roller coaster, I now understand that song. You guys will not believe how many drafts I am yet to finish. I always get bursts of inspiration but I never finish the stories I start.I will be working on finishing those and sharing them with you guys. I hope you find them as interesting as I do.

I also know that I had this monthly review of my life thing but after January I simply got caught up with life.This getting caught up tendency has made me realise that I need to take out time to reflect and absorb things that have happened in my life. Now that I am footloose and fancy free ( graduate in the house) I am going to build a new routine that includes reflecting on life and what is really going on around me. ( I can be so oblivious sometimes)...I am challenging myself  and you guys to take up 'reflecting on my life thus far' time.

As I was recently disowned by my soon to be brother in-law for being a bad writer / poet you guys should expect : more poetry. music I'm digging, Life stuff, hair stuff, Food ( I'm free), and cries for help with my dead exercise regime ( guys I need to get health but I just don't have the motivation, I need to get some) and more ... Always expect more.

SOOO ... I was inspired today. I finished reading Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie and I must say it is the best book I have ever read in my life. No joke and no I am not exaggerating. Reading this book was like switching on a light bulb for the first time. Believe me I am one of the those romance novel fanatics and I loved this book more than 2 people falling in love. I suggest everybody reads this book, it touches on racism, being born in dispora, black women and their hair, religion, marriage, love , growing up in Africa, moving abroad , immigration and so much more.

 After reading this book I looked at my life through a different lens. I also realised how naive I am. It was like being let into people's heads and seeing the reality of life for some people.Reality is a warped concept and not everything is black and white.

I learnt so much. I wanna get this book in hard copy because yes it was that good.

Any who ladies and gents that is all for today. I hope you pick the book and read it , I promise you won't be disappointed. Over the next couple of weeks I will be reading books and recommending them to you or telling you what I've learnt from them.

Until next time



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