Tuesday 20 November 2012

That girl

This is a poem for that girl.
That girl who smiles with her mouth and not her eyes
That girl who has so many dreams but so little faith in herself
That confused girl who forgot to leave her past behind and grow up
Or maybe she simply didn't know how to leave it. Let go and let flow.

That girl who doesn't think she is beautiful. Constantly plagued with her own insecurities and the almost impossible standards she sets out for herself.
That girl who hides those scars, those black and blue marks she claims as her only trophies
That girl who is caged behind their expectations for her
Those girls who are expected to be nothing less than a super woman.

This poem is for those girl's who are going through something.
That girl who has prevailed.
She took those plows you handed to her metaphysical being.
That girl refuses to give in. She is strong despite wanting to call it a day
She keeps on breathing
She keeps on living.
She keeps on taking those steps. One at a time.

That girl is timeless. She is an experience all women must learn.
She is your insecurities, your doubt, your lack of self confidence.
She is that weakness, that is so weak she forces you to grow in strength,
She can be your greatest weakness or your greatest  success story.

That girl... you know her. She is in every woman and girl.

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