Friday 4 January 2013

New Year... New start

Happy New Year everybody. It's 2 days to late ( or more O_o) but I have a policy. Only write when inspired and when  one actually has something productive to say.

Like most people I make a new year resolution list every new year. The things I set out to do most of the time are achievable goals but I never seem to achieve any of it (except for this one year when I actually managed to stop biting my nails).  This has escalated into an annoying trend of  me writing   resolutions and me never actually do anything about it . For the last 3-4 years my list has been something along the lines of : loose weight , get healthy, go on a diet, save money, cut down on shopping and so on and so on. My 2013 list is yet to be written, as I am still dealing with 2012 work load.

So like the scatter brain I can be I decided to go ahead and come up with a mini list . This year I want more than just a superficial list of things I want to do / fix about myself. I want a more versatile resolutions that will lead to some positive thinking and changes. I am looking at goals with longevity , things that lay a great foundation for my future.
 I am purposely going to do something completely new this year ( maybe mountain climbing or camping, for those who know me I'm sure your having a massive LOL at the thought of me doing either one of these activities but mehh) .

 Here is my incomplete draft  list :
  • This year I want to be a less selfish person. I want to be more aware of other people's needs before mine.
  • I want to learn more about humility
  • Be more focused
  • This year I am going to finally start loosing the weight. I will do this by documenting my weight loss on this blog.
  • I want to learn more about natural health care. 
  • I will change my diet this year. I want to be a healthier individual 
  • I will learn new recipes this year and perfect the ones I know
  • I will learn how to sew ( more like refresh my memory on how to)
  • Get a job
  • I will take more pictures
  • I will take more calculated risks
  • I will put myself out there more
  • I will volunteer for a charity
  • I will incorporate more neutral colours into my closet. ( believe me my rainbow closet is doing my nut in).
  • Go to bible study 
Ok guys so that is all I could think of for now. . .  So what is going to be my motivation?
Well I am setting myself a blog challenge. I am going to document all these things and more right here on this blog, so prepare to be awed and a bit perplexed. This might just be the year I start vlogging :D ( calculated risk wink ,wink). I am so excited about doing this and you guys get to make this journey with me excited much? I know I am going to have fun and learn so much. Can't wait to share my chaotic world with you :D

Love you guys

Tiwi x

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