Monday 21 January 2013

The Phoenix month.

Well it's nearly the end of January, not quite the end but getting there :)

I am sure that you guys have realised that I never plan my posts, I just write led by inspiration. Maybe planning is something I should try out?

This has been a busy month for me and so much has changed, for instance I finished my 3rd year dissertation ( 2 days late but mehhh). I had my one and only exam and now I'm looking forward . Next stop Singapore .Yes people I'm jetting off to Singapore ( thank you beautiful geography course for the opportunity) even thought it will be school related trip , I am still excited. I can't believe I'm graduating in July. I'm excited about the future. 

One day I might tell you my future plans but for now I will hit you guys up with my resolution progress.

So far I've tackled the cooking more food res. I couldn't document it as I'm still camera-less  Yes , yes I thought I'd have got one by now but am still working on that :D. Hopefully February should see me with a brand new camera and pow more pictures. I am going to work on my diet and exercise program this week , I'll let you guys know what the plan is. 

January is a great month for various reasons. It's my sister's birthday towards the end of the month ( I need my grand-babies soon soon from her); it's also my 1 year natural and creamy crack free anniversary. My natural hair journey has been stressful. When I did my big chop last year I didn't even know a natural beauty community existed ( so I made a lot of mistakes with my hair) . I will be doing a separate post about my hair journey soon. Finally, January is  what I like to call 'the phoenix month'. It 's all about that renewal of life and all those awesome things that encapsulate new beginnings. I can honestly say I am still as excited about the new year 21 days later. Are you?

I was just inspired to write about new beginnings. So here's my piece of Prose on the topic:
My past does not define me
Bye bye old days. old me
Hello hope, sunshine, unknown exploits.
Hello mystery
New me, you are a me I can't say I have met before.
You are 'that girl'. Stronger ,wiser
Remember that song ' you gotta be' 
You are all those things.
You are you and happy to be the person God made.
You are wonderfully made
A unique creation, made to fulfill a unique purpose
Your beauty is unlike any other because there can only ever be one you.
Bye bye old days, filled with doubt and mistakes
Mistakes, we took the lesson and left the action.
Thank you yesterday for the experiences.
We have an idea of who we are now. But my past does not define me because everyday is a new day .
Constantly being shaped and molded into the imperfect but perfect me.
Simple concepts . 
I know but sometimes we simply forget to look into that mirror and scream ' I am beautiful' 
My past does not define me ,I say again it contributes to small parts of who I am.

That's all I have for today folks. Hope You have had a lovely month and to all my University of Liverpool family good luck with your exams.

You guys will be hearing from me again soon :D So in Tiwi nerdiness.
Get your Phoenix on
Tiwi x

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