Thursday 19 September 2013

Where I'm from...

Where I'm from there is sunshine almost all year round
That earthy smell , that hustle and bustle like any other city.
Unique smells, sounds. Vibrant life.Excitement .

Where I'm from to talk about sex is a no go area.
And yet, young , old, single, married participate in the act
Sleazy hotels, motels and any private place (or public dark areas for the brave)
Where I'm from HIV/AIDS is a sad reality that is encroaching on our society
And yet people ignore it, silence the knowledge while people drop dead like flies.
Misinformation, A lack of education and ignorance is the order of the day...
When will people start  talking about sex?  Not everyone chooses to remain pure and save it for marriage. Because they don't understand why it is worth it...
Educate your children don't expect the world to educate them for you !Our society is morally skewed what knowledge can a child gain?

Don't get me wrong.Where I'm from...
Campaigns exist, Condoms are free, information is there and yet the death toll rises and the rate of infection goes up. The problem is HIV doesn't have a face. It is for most people invisible even when they get it or are affected by it . People brush it under the rug and continue as per pre HIV.

When somebody dies the old age 'They were sick' is the only response
And yet like most I know that this is code word for they had HIV/AIDS and it killed them.
Where I am from cheating is understood as part of life. The most common clique : The cheating husband
The husbands cheat and go on their merry way
While wives wait at home silently knowing the truth of their husbands infidelity
Risking their lives . When you ask them why they stay this is what they tell you
'Me and my husband are committed to making our marriage work'
When you ask them do you use condoms they tell you. 'You can't use condoms because it brings up the issue of trust'.
Oh and his illegitimate children might turn up one day but you are expected to accept them.
After all marriage is not a bed of roses. Forgive him.You smile and grin and act like everything is OK
Until HIV/AIDs knocks on your door.
You see the funny thing is where I'm from. That cheated wife will acts shocked when the nurse or the doctor says  ' You are HIV positive'. What do you think? HIV has a preference?
You see my people HIV is not a death sentence but why must people die or be infected in vain?There is an old saying I like: If you keep doing the same things the same way , expecting different results then that is called insanity .
My point exactly.

Tiwi Gondwe

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