Tuesday 30 September 2014

10 Life Lessons

1. Don't be quick to fall in love. In fact don't be quick with anything that involves giving a  part of you to another person. Take your time to get to know that person and vice versa. Guard your heart jealously.

2. Little steps make the journey. If you have a goal in mind, remember that the wall of China was not built in one day. It took one brick at a time so like each brick take it one step at a time. Think it, plan it and put it into action.

3.Self reflection is important. It is important to search your heart. Evaluate yourself, the things you do and say and where they come from. It is so easy to point out the flint in someone's eye and forget the log in ours.

4. Listen more , talk less. When you talk too much you end up saying things you shouldn't or talking about yourself all the time ( Like the person you're talking to wants to hear all of that). It is draining because it isn't all about you all the time and you never know the next man's problems. Listening is an amazing skill so next time just listen more you will learn more.

5. Be yourself. This is one thing I personally struggle with but I've learnt that not everyone will like you and when you're different a lot of people won't like you. Be yourself because you only have one life and life is too short to give people all that power over your time and your person.

6. Be a dreamer. Having a dream and creating the space for that dream to happen is not easy, but don't live in fear. Make those dreams a reality.

7. Fear is not an option. Living in fear will destroy your ability to dream. Fear tells you you can't do it. You can! If you walk in fear you will live a mediocre life. Fearlessness however doesn't mean recklessness.

8.As you get older your circle gets smaller. This came as a big shock to me when it started happening. Remember that some people come into your life for a season and a reason. Everyone you meet and interact with ,is in your life to teach you something about yourself. Some people will hurt you , some people will love you and some people may be indifferent towards you and even reject you. Never let a person break you.

9. Failing is a part of life. Now you have to decide if you rise again or fall. I see failure as a chance to learn not what to do or where I went wrong. Don't wallow in self pity for too long. Failure is not the end of the road. I believe failure is there to make us want it ( whatever that might be) more. Failure makes us fighters or quitters. Failure builds faith.

10. Love yourself. You have to because sometimes it will feel like only God and you love you. If you don't love yourself then how do you expect to love others? Be kind to you. Accept who you are. Take time to get to know yourself.

Well I hope these 10 points help someone out there. Writing them down gives me a reference point to check myself. This is by no means everything I have learnt in life but it is a starting point. I will be sharing more soon.

Care to share some of your knowledge?

Love and light

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