Saturday 27 September 2014

Life lessons (1)

It's all a distant memory now
I am free. I am different. No more anger, hurt ,nothing.
I gained understanding and personal growth . I wouldn't exchange those lessons for the world
I wish I could describe how I felt in those moments but I can't even remember

I learnt my self worth. Ladies if you don't respect and love you
Then the world will dish out a special concoction disguised as love.
I have learnt that you don't need to be in a relationship to feel validated
Love you so that you can appreciate love.

Let go of anger and don't take things so personal
When someone leaves you don't over think it
Don't rack your brain for answers
And most importantly don't blame yourself.
It is this simple. You weren't giving them what they needed in terms of feelings so they left to find it else where.

Don't beat yourself up. Pick yourself up and learn.

Love and light


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