Saturday 27 September 2014

Life Lesson 2

Today I want to talk about success.

 At the beginning of the year I was stressed. I couldn't sleep and my appetite was non existent. Emotional upheaval, changes in environment and a lot of self reflection. I will not lie it has been hell. The best way I could describe this would be an inward battle between my positive and negative mind. I struggled with sleep, my appetite was all over the place and sometimes I just didn't do anything for days. I learnt that the biggest battle in our lives is internal.

I have been thinking a lot lately and one of my thoughts is centered around 'the meaning of success'. When you were a kid success meant finishing school going to uni and getting a job. ( this is especially true if you are from an African family). In reality life doesn't happen like this. You finish school and it's not the grades you wanted and you go to the university that was furthest from your mind. At least that's what happened to me. When I look back I am so happy things happened they way they did because I met awesome people and had amazing life experiences.

However now that I'm officially a graduate and I have been one for more than  6 months , the pressures of life are flooding in. I have no job and it's a tough pill to swallow it feels like I need to sink or swim and at the moment I am swimming. I've taught myself that success is focusing on all the amazing things I am doing now and looking openly at the things I am learning. 2013 was the year the changes began and 2014 is the year those changes have been taking root and transforming my life.

Success for me at the moment is learning. Success is not a job and money. It is learning who you are. Being able to reflect on your past openly and visualize what you want your future to look like. It is learning to take rejection, Learning to work hard and learning to become that person you always visualized yourself to be. Success is choosing to live life by your rules ( and no I'm not talking about anything irresponsible). I mean choosing to do something you love rather than settling for what you have to settle for. Success is discovering your purpose. Have you sat down and asked yourself what is my purpose on this earth?

 Don't let one moment define you, instead keep growing, keep evolving, keep learning and keep being creative.



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