Wednesday 2 February 2011

The Mask slips...

In moments of weakeness, past hurts haunt me, they consume me they control me 
they become my present and blacken my future. 
forgotten guilt utterly shames me and reminds me of what makes me imperfect. 
Feelings i do not want to feel evade my mind and become me.. My mask is shaken from whenced i placed it. 
That which i convey to the world is taken away 
And i am left naked and vulnerable. 
I am just me.. the me that i never let any of you see. 
Can u feel my anguish oozing from this?.. i can't .. as i surround myself with numbness and blank my mind from the reality of my imperfections. 
I will forever be ruled by these extremities and shall never find my balance 
forever swinging in this limbo that is my burden and what you call life.

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