Wednesday 2 February 2011

the two mes

a symphony of screams pervade her mind
locked in the terror of darkness she reaches out for my hand,
i am solid she is only but a distant memory of who i once was,
we reach out for each other as though grasping for lost straws,
we are one and the same me and her 
and her painful screams are mine and hers
where are you little lost me?
Somewhere in the back of my hidden conscious , just waiting to jump out and catch me unawares,
why do you scream old me?
me and me know but you will never know,
never will you feel that raw emotion that brings me to my knees 
that tears me apart inside
you look at me and you see my cold  brown hard eyes.  Tortured by something you can never understand
they can tell you something or nothing about the trails of a lost girl...

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