Tuesday 26 November 2013


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What I'm listening to

As you guys know. From time to time, I enjoy sharing what I've been listening to with you guys.
I've mentioned this before and I will say this every time I do this kind of post. I have an eclectic taste when it comes to music. 
 It has a lot do to with how the music makes me feel. I listen to the words and the beat and if it's beautiful I'm hooked. 

Today I've got some mzansi jams, some afrobeats, old school jams, r&b , neo soul and some hip hop.

I hope you enjoy my play list this time. 

Lord knows I have



Friday 22 November 2013

The 21st century African woman : Cooking and House chores.

Hello my good people
Sometime ago I wrote about African ideologies of dating and marriage. I was making this a part 2 but I felt simply calling it that was mehh...boring. I wanted to look at house chores and cooking in an African relationship

Warning: I have very strong opinions on this so be ready. I am trying to understand the existing African psyche from things I have read and things I see around me.

 As an African woman I feel there are many things that put us under pressure. According to the message I feel we get out there :You are supposed to embody your traditional roles by this I mean , 'Children, kitchen and home' while perusing a demanding career, looking like Beyonce/ doing your Naomi Campbell walk and staying fit. Oh and you are supposed to take care of your husband as well.

Cooking and house chores.
To get the ball rolling. I thought I should share this bit of nonsense I read somewhere :Many ladies now dislike cooking and home chores just because they had been totally brainwashed by movies showcasing men playing the role of women in a family, and due to excessive exposure to modern media that promotes gender-equality in a destructive way that’s aimed at destroying the unique African family setting that made our previous African marriages everlasting and envious to the westerns. Now, with this attitude, how do you expect a Zambian man to desire to marry when he knows he is only buying more headache and trouble than helper for himself

Can someone please explain to me how needing help and support equates being brain washed? 

I have several questions and thoughts based on this statement. Is this how men really see us? Let me be more specific is this how African men see us women?Are we simply ' helpers' to make the man's life more simple and easy?

I have heard so many opinions on this cooking and housework issue. My aunt told me a story about how some African men come to this country ( the UK) and expect things to be the same as back home. Imagine this scenario :

You are married to a man that was a manger in your home country. Now you move abroad (the UK). You work as a carer in a nursing home. You have 4 kids with your husband. He refuses to get a job because they won't hire him as a manager. So he sits at home reading the newspaper and watching TV. In the morning you come home from a 12 hour shift, you get the kids up from bed feed and bath them , then you walk your kids to school. You come back , make breakfast for your husband. At 3 you wake up from your sleep to pick your kids from school then you come home to cook and at 6 you head of to work again. All your husband does is take your money and demand his breakfast and dinner.

Frankly when my aunt told me this story I wanted to get my hands on the man and beat him. This story is not unique. I always hear all kinds of shocking things about people's marriages ( being over 20 sucks sometimes because people start sharing their weird stories with you). The things I've heard, apparently some of the women aren't taking it anymore and have started to "rebel" and be "disrespectful".

My culture ( I dunno about yours) teaches girls that they should take care of their husbands like it's their first born child. You are expected to do everything for the man. And this is one of the reasons I have sworn off marrying a man from 'my country' or a man that thinks like this because I know a marriage with such a person would become very unbearable for him because I'd go crazy therefore he would be following me straight to crazyland.

It seems ( from the things I've heard)  to qualify as wife/ girl friend material you have to cook for the man.  Your place is the kitchen and you must be equipped in the knowledge and power that is cooking and being a cleaner. I have heard and read a lot about this. For instance if you don't cook then your man will cheat on you and leave you for some other woman. Cooking ensures that your man will remain at home with you? Please read this twice because when I heard it I had to bite my tongue.( I think I drew blood). Cooking will ensure that you keep your man at home. I am sorry but if you marry someone solely for their domestic skills there is something not right with you. Yes I have said it. According to the domestic critics you need to throw down in the kitchen or Mr man is gone. I say bye bye to that type of man. Is learning how to cook and sharing the load such a big problem? Is it the end of the world?

 I think cooking and house chores in general need to be shared between everyone in the household? Yes including the man! Why? because I work and you work. I am not superwoman with extra powers.I am just as tired as you and I am sorry if you think women are superwoman / machine lady but that's how it should be.

Women work just as hard as their male counterparts so why at the end of a long day should cooking cause such an uproar. I'm not saying have a rota that has a precise breakdown on whose turn it is to cook. I am saying at least help out sometimes. Offer to cook something at least twice a week or something along those lines. Offer to clean up without it becoming an issue of 'you never help me with anything'. I for one love cooking and running a home but I want my future husband to be involved in everything so that my sons can learn to be considerate and not cause some poor woman's daughter a headache in the future. And so that they can respect the work and time that goes into cooking and keeping a home. I believe it will bring our home closer together as a family. I don't believe in going with the so called 'roles' society gives us. You are a part of society therefore you can  make the rules work for you and not against you! It is called being considerate. Someone is tired or your both tired offering to help out will not kill you. I gave you this one for free.I think sometimes men think we mean that they should do everything and we should fold our arms and channel surf until we find a good episode of hoarders or how do I look to watch.Helping out is a way of showing you care. Even if I was a housewife ( God forbid) keeping a house and kids entertained is still a full time job which I am not getting paid for. I would expect a helping hand without complaining or whining. It really isn't that difficult to cook, take out the trash or help with bath times! I think it really takes a mentally mature person to do these things with out being asked. Why not offer a helping hand before it turns into resentment and a fight. I think many ladies will agree with me in saying this is what we want from a partner.

How does cooking prevent cheating? As far as I am concern if someone wants to cheat on you they will. Plain and simple.You can't exactly be there with food to shovel down the man's face every time you think he will cheat! And him staying or coming home every evening because of your cooking won't prevent him from cheating or mistreating you in any way. Every time someone says otherwise I really want them to break down how the cheating mechanism is triggered by your wife/ girlfriend not cooking? I personally think that this kind of thinking leads to making a lot of excuses for bad and selfish behavior!

A lot of people and I'm not just saying men say that the western ways have disrupted the 'unique Africa' way of doing things. I've heard many theories on this and my personal solution is whatever works for  you and the person your with.I mean if a lady doesn't mind cooking and cleaning and doing it all on her own. Then by all means go ahead and do that. But not every African woman is happy settling for that. As far as some of us are concern ( and yes I've mentioned this already), we are looking for a partner not a boss. A relationship is a two way street. I think the best thing for men looking for 'unique African family structure' please go to the village where you will find a suitable wife ready and willing to serve you and run around after you.

Thank you for reading


Wednesday 6 November 2013

Mr Philosopher

You are that Jill Scott song minus the part about loving me
I wouldn't say I loved you but I was in strong like.
You intrigued me with your words and thoughts.
Your mind was the main attraction.
On these long nights when sleep is aloof and my mind wonders.
I always remember you.
We could have been great together says my flesh.
But my spirit knows better. We would have destroyed each other.
Like Romeo and Juliet. Minus the Shakespearean drama.

I will always cherish the times we spent together, talking about life and exploring each others minds.

You were a moment in time mr. A microcosm of my brush with men.
From you I learn't the art of letting go. Not getting ahead of myself and dealing with my confused emotions. Boy did I get a run for my feelings. I realise now that you were a test... I learnt not to give away my heart so easily with you. You made me laugh so hard and you almost made me cry. If I still knew you I would say thank you .Even though I'm sure you wouldn't understand.
You could almost fade into the background for our meeting was but a brush of fate. 
We were both at  life's crossroad going through some things. 

Like I said before you remind me of the chords to the Jill Scott song ' He loves me' minus the love. Whenever I hear that song from now on wards it will remind me of you.

strong like
Tiwi x

Friday 1 November 2013

Unapologetic immigrant

You always ask me. 'Where are you from'?
I say oh ' Skipton' but you say No. Where are you from 'originally'.
My thought process when you ask me that question is ' Here we go again'. What follows after my long winded awkward explanation about my heritage ' Oh so why did you move here'?
Why do you think I moved here?  

For some reason this world believes the 1st world is the land of opportunity and bright futures.
Meanwhile African and Africans have no faith in their own systems. Forever looking at distant lands other than our own for our bright futures. It's a sad reality. We don't have faith in our selves and the rest of the world sees us a a continent of beggars, rife with corruption , disease and hunger! 

You might get mad  at me but you know it's true!
Instead of improving our homelands we think about the I. Inequalities grow bigger. 'Developments happen' but the corruption and dishonesty of the immoral systems in place  make us passive beings who look for our bright futures, big money and the likes in other lands. No one wants to be the first one to build Africa up. 

Sometimes I ask myself how can the richest continent be so poor and broken?

I am an unapologetic immigrant. At first I used to feel inferior faced with the question ' Why did you move here?'. Alot of my time spent explaining that my parents got a job so we had to move. I find it rude and disrespectful that people feel a sense of entitlement to quiz people about why they move. Don''t you watch the new? Duh. Look at the Africa you see on the BBCs and the  ITVs! If you were an immigrant faced with the chance of a 'better life' wouldn't you move?

Don't get me wrong my Africa is beautiful. It is just plagued by a disease called greed and entitlement for work not done. 

Are people not entitled to move these days? can't a person seek a better life. You expect immigrants to sympathise with you. Welcome to the reality of this world. People move to obtain an elusive sense of a better life. To live in countries where they are hated and killed. Mistreated and disrespected! All for an opportunity at improving their life. It is in our human psyche to seek better opportunities for ourselves. 

What do you think mate! I want a bright future too. I want to be taken seriously and to have more 'opportunities'. This is what I have been fed. Hurl your go back to your countries. Hurl your racist slurs. I will still be here. Didn't you know we live in a globalised world?! Was it not your country that 'discovered us' as savages who were uncivilized and didn't know any better. Now you have the ideal life and won't share the pie.

Everyone wants to have a good life. That is why we leave our homes, the sunshine, good food , family and friends to seek this elusive 'better life'. 

Thursday 17 October 2013

One thing I am going to change

There are no quick fixes when it comes to success.
                                                      -Ralph JP
One thing I am going to change is my work ethic. I sat down with myself and reflected about my life. The things I have lost out on and why I am at this point in my life. There are so many things I regret in my life because I didn't work hard enough.

I realised that my lack of a good work ethic had lead to me becoming chronically lazy. Yes I said it lazy. I made so many bad choices and mistakes. My work ethic is exactly what made me graduate with a 2.2 and not the first I should have got. I also realised that my poor work ethic has made my life more difficult and restrictive. I have formed bad and unhealthy habits with myself.All the discipline I had as a child has flown out of the window and my life has become rife with excuses and disappointments that I have cause. 

So what am I going to do?

 I have to change, This is something I feel God has been trying to show me for a long time. He has given me so many chances and opportunities to turn my life around and learn to lean on HIM. If my work ethic is bad, how will I hold down a job ? How will I be productive and be satisfied with any of my achievements. How will I follow God's will for my life. How will I even maintain my relationship with God?

The first step in this journey is being completely honest and true to myself. Because if I can lie to myself, not take the blame for my actions. Then how will my work ethic improve. Talent without hard work is wasted. Like any lost person I want a clear starting point. I have turned to God and my bible as well as Google for help.

Proverbs 14:23 says : All hard work brings profit , but mere talk leads only to poverty. 

The bible is a my life guide line. When things are good and when things are bad I turn to the Bible and I believe that this verse just sums it up. All I did was type 'hard work' into bible gateway and all the things that came up surrounding this topic strongly illustrated that to achieve anything in life one must work hard and put all your energy into your task.

As for what Google told me. I will share that with you when I share my own personal development someday. As for now I am determined to get back on course and get working hard , following my dreams and making them happen.

In summary:

  1. Be  honest with yourself
  2. Take responsiblitiy for your actions
  3. Reflection is an important step towards realising you have a problem
  4. Have faith in your ability
  5. buckle down and start something.

Change is inevitable for me to be successful and satisfied with my life.

Keep you guys posted


Monday 7 October 2013

October Challenge

So I was casually scrolling through my YouTube 'watch this suggestions' and I came across Tracee Ellis Ross October challenge. The #octoberchallenge is a fitness challenge. At the beginning of the year one of my resolutions was to lose weight and get healthy. Sadly I joined the gym and only went  for 2 days and quit. I'd even bought all the gear but I haven't motivated myself.

I'm at the point in my life where I don't like my body or how it looks. My 20s are supposed to be some of the happiest moments of my life but because of my bad eating habits and lack of exercise it is a bit of a nightmare sometimes. I am 97kg which is 15.2749 stone according to Google. And frankly I am sick of it! Im only 5'6 and a half so this weight has got to go. I will be using the October challenge as my starting point of my fitness/ get healthy journey.

Watch the original video for more on the October challenge

Wish me luck and please pray for me because snacking always gets me! I want to break my unhealthy relationship with food!

I am setting myself the following

  • Jog/ walk 5 days a week
  • drink more water
  • replace snacks with more fruit and veg
  • cook more healthy food
  • Eat breakfast, lunch and dinner.
This is just the beginning guys

Happy October peoples



Tuesday 24 September 2013

What I'm listening to part 3

Hello lovelies

If there is one thing I love it's music. I think it would definitely make the 10 things I would take with me on a desert island. Even though I have quite an eclectic taste in music I hold a special place for neo- soul music. Today I will share the new music I've found and some old classics I just can't get out of mind. Enjoy.

Fred Hammond : Be Magnified

I have a lot of respect for people who dedicate their lives to using music to proclaim the word of God and be witnesses for his kingdom. It is not easy proclaiming your faith these days alot of people think your a freak or weirdo, even just by sharing a song. 
This song speaks to my soul and makes me feel closer to God. When I'm feeling down I just listen to it and God talks to me. You can really feel His amazing presences in this song.


If you haven't heard of this man then you need to check out his music. I love him , his voice is amazing and I've seen his live performances on YouTube. Lord have mercy he is good. I hope he decides to have a UK tour some day so that I can go and see him. If not then America here I come.

Ron Isely featuring Kem : My Favourite thing.

Found this son last week and I can't get it out of my mind. This is what I call real good music. The video is tasteful and the song is even more amazing. I love how their voice mesh perfectly. Whatever happened to love songs like this? 


Discovering Shakka. 

Sometimes I feel like I live under a rock. Here is this amazing UK based musician and I didn't know he exists. I discovered Shakka's music watching a natural hair tutorial on Fusionofcultures Youtube Channel ( she is amazing btw), she always has amazing background music.  In my defense I live in Skipton where I spend most of my time indoors coped away( I need more excitement). This man deserves a Grammy. Why aren't his songs on the top 40 UK charts? All his songs are amazing and I shall be familiarize myself with his music and next time he has a concert I will make sure I am there singing my heart out. 

Marvin Sapp : One thing

This is song makes me happy. It makes me jump up and down and simply praise God. I love the energy in this performance. One day I would love to see Him live.

SWV : So into you and TLC baby , baby, baby

I don't know , but this song has been on my mind for the last week. I keep bursting into song randomly. I love this song, it also reminds me of baby baby baby by TLC. The beats are quite similar so I just keep interchanging the lyrics and grooving to the beat.

Micasa : Jika

These guys give me life. Everything they ever make is awesome. The song and music video are on point. I Just love it and the dance move is so easy. You won't be disappointed if you check this one out. 

DJ Qness : Everything

The vocals and the beat in this song are simply amazing. Nothing more nothing less. The video is also very creative. I love the dancing and the emotion.

Jasmine Thompson

Yes the Sainsbury advert got me. I had to find the amazing person who does an original and amazing cover of Chaka Khan's Ain't nobody. If you haven't heard it already then please check her out. Love, love this.

That's it for this week folks. I loved making this post and I hope you enjoy listening to the music I've shared with you guys.


Tiwi x

Thursday 19 September 2013

Where I'm from...

Where I'm from there is sunshine almost all year round
That earthy smell , that hustle and bustle like any other city.
Unique smells, sounds. Vibrant life.Excitement .

Where I'm from to talk about sex is a no go area.
And yet, young , old, single, married participate in the act
Sleazy hotels, motels and any private place (or public dark areas for the brave)
Where I'm from HIV/AIDS is a sad reality that is encroaching on our society
And yet people ignore it, silence the knowledge while people drop dead like flies.
Misinformation, A lack of education and ignorance is the order of the day...
When will people start  talking about sex?  Not everyone chooses to remain pure and save it for marriage. Because they don't understand why it is worth it...
Educate your children don't expect the world to educate them for you !Our society is morally skewed what knowledge can a child gain?

Don't get me wrong.Where I'm from...
Campaigns exist, Condoms are free, information is there and yet the death toll rises and the rate of infection goes up. The problem is HIV doesn't have a face. It is for most people invisible even when they get it or are affected by it . People brush it under the rug and continue as per pre HIV.

When somebody dies the old age 'They were sick' is the only response
And yet like most I know that this is code word for they had HIV/AIDS and it killed them.
Where I am from cheating is understood as part of life. The most common clique : The cheating husband
The husbands cheat and go on their merry way
While wives wait at home silently knowing the truth of their husbands infidelity
Risking their lives . When you ask them why they stay this is what they tell you
'Me and my husband are committed to making our marriage work'
When you ask them do you use condoms they tell you. 'You can't use condoms because it brings up the issue of trust'.
Oh and his illegitimate children might turn up one day but you are expected to accept them.
After all marriage is not a bed of roses. Forgive him.You smile and grin and act like everything is OK
Until HIV/AIDs knocks on your door.
You see the funny thing is where I'm from. That cheated wife will acts shocked when the nurse or the doctor says  ' You are HIV positive'. What do you think? HIV has a preference?
You see my people HIV is not a death sentence but why must people die or be infected in vain?There is an old saying I like: If you keep doing the same things the same way , expecting different results then that is called insanity .
My point exactly.

Tiwi Gondwe

Friday 6 September 2013

A Thank you letter

I yearn and thirst for your knowledge
The only one who makes me whole
Lord Jesus I am no ashamed of your gospel.
For your grace and salvation saved my wretched soul.
You set me free from the shackles of sin
From the bondage of sin, family curses and the plan on the enemy.
I don't say this enough but Thank you Lord.
You always set me in the right path, even though it is a struggle for me sometimes
You keep on blessing and forgiving me
You are always here listening to me.
You showed and taught me love. Before you I knew only pain, darkness and rejection
But You came into my love and surrounded me with your  peace that passes understand.

This is just a little note to say Thank you Lord. To exalt your holy and precious name
Renew my oil Lord. For I am your oh God.
Bless me with your understanding. Hear the words of my heart.
I desire to walk in your path of righteousness. My heart's desire is to know you better

Thank you for your love, your word and your understanding


Monday 19 August 2013

I'm back

So I am back

I realise now that I have been giving you guys a few poems here and there but not really interacting. Life is a roller coaster, I now understand that song. You guys will not believe how many drafts I am yet to finish. I always get bursts of inspiration but I never finish the stories I start.I will be working on finishing those and sharing them with you guys. I hope you find them as interesting as I do.

I also know that I had this monthly review of my life thing but after January I simply got caught up with life.This getting caught up tendency has made me realise that I need to take out time to reflect and absorb things that have happened in my life. Now that I am footloose and fancy free ( graduate in the house) I am going to build a new routine that includes reflecting on life and what is really going on around me. ( I can be so oblivious sometimes)...I am challenging myself  and you guys to take up 'reflecting on my life thus far' time.

As I was recently disowned by my soon to be brother in-law for being a bad writer / poet you guys should expect : more poetry. music I'm digging, Life stuff, hair stuff, Food ( I'm free), and cries for help with my dead exercise regime ( guys I need to get health but I just don't have the motivation, I need to get some) and more ... Always expect more.

SOOO ... I was inspired today. I finished reading Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie and I must say it is the best book I have ever read in my life. No joke and no I am not exaggerating. Reading this book was like switching on a light bulb for the first time. Believe me I am one of the those romance novel fanatics and I loved this book more than 2 people falling in love. I suggest everybody reads this book, it touches on racism, being born in dispora, black women and their hair, religion, marriage, love , growing up in Africa, moving abroad , immigration and so much more.

 After reading this book I looked at my life through a different lens. I also realised how naive I am. It was like being let into people's heads and seeing the reality of life for some people.Reality is a warped concept and not everything is black and white.

I learnt so much. I wanna get this book in hard copy because yes it was that good.

Any who ladies and gents that is all for today. I hope you pick the book and read it , I promise you won't be disappointed. Over the next couple of weeks I will be reading books and recommending them to you or telling you what I've learnt from them.

Until next time


Sunday 9 June 2013

It's love

Sometimes I drift, thinking about you
Jill Scott singing it's love in my ears
I imagine me swaying my hips to this song slowly as you watch me.
Where will this be I wonder?
Love, Love , Love...
That's my note. I repeat her lines over and over again. Singing to you. Scatting doo doo dooby doo it's Love.
Or maybe you are not there. It's me on my own in my room. Singing ...love , love, love , love.
Swaying, moving ,dipping, It's love.
That bass, those drums , those horns. All come together in a beautiful  symphony of sounds. That voice rushes over me.
The sound of raindrops. The steady dripping and dropping. That beat ooooh woooh it's love.
The rhythm is intoxicating. I lose my words to describe.... it's love.

Tiwi x

Monday 27 May 2013


You sang to me from the depths of your soul.
Your essence is deep, you are my Renaissance man.
You are intelligent, talented , spiritual ( you know the Godly kind of spiritual). With you it's more than your looks in fact your looks are just the added bonus. Your mind makes you beautiful to me. The things you say and do make simply shine a light on your physical being.
I love it when you sing it comes from deep within your soul. Those husky undertones take me to a special place. A place where I imagine sunflower fields, sunshine, happiness and freedom. Your voice it warms me up like hot chocolate on a rainy day. It is like an invisible hug cloaking me with love.

Thursday 23 May 2013

Catching Feelings

Sometimes I would sit and think of you...
Life sure is funny. Our meeting was nothing special . But it sure taught me a lesson.
I don't know what to think anymore but life has taught me not to listen to feelings
Feelings are one thing I imagined. Between you and me. Feelings that extended beyond the physical.
How I was wrong, you see you know how to toy with me and you were good at it when I allowed it.
Realising I had allowed foolishness to make me feel unworthy , gave me the power to take charge and cut  those feelings.
You see you like to play those mind games. And yet he claims to be an open book. Humans , we are so flawed and twisted that we deceive ourselves sometimes.
Feelings. In my opinion they're dangerous and can get your heart into some interesting situations.
Feelings are a choice. They can be imagined you know?
I've imagined a few in my day.

Tuesday 9 April 2013

what i'm listening to.

So  I haven't done one of these posts in forever. Actually to be quite honest I've done like 1 of these ever before lol. I was just looking back on some of my old blog posts and I decided to do another What I'm listening to these days.

I thought I'd share 2 songs that have been in my Spirit first. One is called Desperate People  by Micah Stampley and the other is called I give myself away by William McDowell.

So I just got back from Singapore and on the plane I wanted to listen to some music to relax me. You see , I hate flying the turbulence freaks me out. On my journey back I rediscovered some music (in the form of the Michael Jackson Thriller album)  and discovered Alica Keyz new album Girl On fire ( I think it's called that not sure).Alicia's album is from the heart, I could feel it, all the songs are beautiful.

Listen to it believe me when I say you won't be disappointed.
This album has so many good memories for me. I'd forgotten about the song the girl is mine. I know all the words and  I sang along to it. And the song PYT always made me feel so beautiful and special even when I didn't love myself all the much.

The next song is by Justin Timberlake. One of my best friends posted it on my wall and I just love it. JT coming back with some good music . The song 'That girl' is very soulful and kind of reminds me of his Senorita hey days.

Fantasia has pleasantly surprised me. I love her new look and her new single. She sample 'night shift' by the Commodores for this new single and I must say she did the beat justice. The 1920s/30s flapper girl look throughout the video was on point and the leading man was a good choice in my opinion.
Another love song by one of my personal favorites  Chrisette Michele. This woman grows with me. She has a song for every event in my life lol. A couple of  forevers is a beautiful song about being in love ( no i' m not in love yet) But when I am this will be one of my songs.

Chris Brown's new song Fine China, is beautiful. I love love love it.
Eve is back and I love her new single. It's very inspiring and different from what you usually hear in Hip Hop these days. ( I am not even a hip hop fan and I love this song)
Now I'm going to take you guys to the mother land. Lately I have been loving Liquid deep and dj Kent, Big nuz and DJ Ganyani and Khona by Mafikizolo. If you have never listend to South African music then prepare to be delighted.

Liquid deep and DJ Kent on top of the world is a beautiful song. I love it. It's about being in love. 

Big Nuz, DJ Ganyani  and Mlu
 The beat is awesome. I love this song, the video is cool too especially Mlu's gold teeth ( lol) 

Mafikizolo doing what they do best. This song is awesome and makes you want to dance.

Tear gas Jabula song is awesome. I love everything about it.

World meet my new loves the Soil. This song is beautiful and all about love once again :D.

Let this song speak for itself ( besides that I'm tired of describing stuff lol) 

I've also been listening to a future superstar in the making and a good friend of mine Lando. This girl can sing, she is a talented artist and true to her craft. She has two songs out at the moment and I thought I should share her beautiful voice with you guys. 

And to end with I found another Calvin Richardson song 'True love' This song is beautiful. I love it

I hope you like my installment of what I'm listening too. If you guys have any suggestions on good music you think I'd like then please feel free to share. As you can tell from this post I am into all kinds of music.

Have a lovely day and stay inspired. 


Saturday 6 April 2013

Hair Diary: Blowout

So I finally used some heat on my hair just to blow it out. It was not fully stretched out  but I loved how I looked. The humidity shrank my hair :(. So for the final looked I just used 4 bobby pins, 2 on each side. I made a mini fro hawk.

Here are a few pictures of me:
Makeup free

ready for a night out and about Singapore.
Hope you like.


Sunday 31 March 2013

I love me some him: A letter to my future husband

I don't know you yet but I feel like I will when we finally meet.
I don't believe in love at first sight but I hope my spirit will recognise it's soul mate when we finally meet.
Where are you now? Sometimes I like to sit here and imagine you. I imagine you teaching me something new. Well more like playfullly forcing me to try something as crazy as climbing the Himalayas mountains.(Not gonna happen boo lets start small : camping in our backyard perhaps?)
We will be different I just know it, but we will be beautiful together. And maybe you guys think I am a hopeless romantic but this is a letter to my future husband, best friend , soul mate and father of my children.
I believe that we will have that consuming love because we will both understand the source of Love that is God. God will be our center and the strong foundation of us.
You will push me to be a better I will push you in return.
We will be  one. I am not afraid to fall anymore. That being said we will walk into love with our eyes wide open not fall in love with the idea of what either one of us should be. This means that we will both realise that we are flawed human beings and accept each other's imperfections with love.
One day I will tell you the funny story about how I used to run away from you. How I didn't realise that I was allowing the world to dictate and destroy our vision of love.
You will be everything and more and I will be everything you ever dreamed of.
You will be enough for me and I will be enough for you.
It's funny because once I put God in the driver's seat I begin to pray about you and for you.
I've had this dream about you since I was 15. In this dream I see our first born  child . A beautiful baby girl, with big brown eyes and curly hair. We will love her and the rest of our brood. Have I mentioned I want 5?
Sometimes I want us to meet as soon as possible. But at the moment, I know that God is perfecting us for each other. I have so many things He needs to deal with in me.  So that I will be all you need.
I want us to be happy
I want us to be successful and most of all I want our love to grow everyday.
My ultimate gift to you is 1 Corinthians 13: 4-8. I believe this is talking about our love.



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